
Monday, April 2, 2012

The Learning Key to Success

These days not only do you have to be at the right place at the right time you better be prepared because you may not be the only person with their sites set on that opportunity. My business experience has taught me that success is found at the intersection of opportunity and preparedness. One of the many benefits of being a Clovis Chamber of Commerce member is that the Chamber puts a lot of emphasis and effort into preparing you for success. Aside from the networking and being connected with the business community there are many learning opportunities available to members to help you master new skills, develop your business and be prepared when opportunity comes knocking.
Last week the Women Business Owners Roundtable held at Andiamo Ristorante Italiano in Clovis had over a dozen women gathered to hear Melissa Tosetti share some of her secrets to Savvy Living. Melissa is the author of Living the Savvy Life, The Savvy Woman’s Guide to SmartSpending and Rich Living. Melissa told some great stories about her own experiences and how she has developed a balanced outlook on personal financial planning. She laid some seeds of thought about how prioritizing your needs and wants then applying smart spending techniques can free up funds to spend enjoying a meal at your favorite restaurant or splurging at the day spa without guilt. She also shared some thoughtful ideas about leveraging the investment you make in your wardrobe and accessories and how to avoid buying "orphans" that just don't fit in. By bringing her perspective on getting the most out of your money after your convert into a possession was profound. She says don’t buy it unless you love and you will use it. Of coarse we all admitted that we too buy things then set the bag down in a closet and just forget about it. If you don’t go home and put your purchase to work right away, or into your closet to be worn in the near future did your really need to spend that money?  Right about now you are probably adding up how much money is sitting in your garage or hall closet right now? So here I’ve past along a little insight into last week’s learning and should mention that the learning continued when I received Melissa’s “What’s Important to You?” questionnaire via email and links to her Savvy Living Money Saving newsletters. For the cost of a delicious meal I really came out ahead. I learned some new tactics for making the most of the money I spend. I met some great ladies who are in it to win it like myself and squeezed a bit more value out of my Chamber membership.
Learning really is fundamental and it is fun! So mark your calendars and make time to take advantage of your membership and attend the next Chamber hosted Free Business Information Seminar this Thursday, April 5th, at ITT. The topic is timely and if your business is on Facebook you should attend. Travis Huff of Real-Time OutSource is going to tell you all about the new changes on Facebook. In a discussion titled, "FaceBook is ALL Different - AGAIN!. NowWhat?", he'll tell you about what is going on with the popular social media website and how you can use it and other social media sites to promote your business. Please note: This is a 2 hour seminar starting at 11 a.m. Please RSVP to Beth Bridges at 299-7363 or